Helping to grow the next generation of health care providers
GP Registrars
In a climate where there is growing need for good health care services and an increasing shortage of quality health care in outer metropolitan and rural areas, we at Mead Medical, pride ourselves in helping to be part of the solution.
Mead Medical has a long standing history of teaching GP registrars to help grow the next generation of GPs. Several of our existing GPs have come through this pathway and stayed on at Mead Medical which stands a testament to the quality of training but also as proof that the work we put into training does help our local community.
Dr Rebecca Hunt-Davies started at Mead Medical as a first year registrar and is now helping to grow that next generation of GPs by being a supervisor.
Dr Lee Lee Do completed her training with us and has gone on to developed extensive specialized skills in skin management as well as cosmetic services. She has helped broaden the services supplied to our hills community.
Dr Julia Lockett completed her GP training with Mead Medical and has continued to stay on and serve our hills community with her kind and compassionate style of medicine.
Dr Danielle Vlahov completed her training with us and offers excellent women’s health services as well as comprehensive General practice care.
Our most recent GP to stay on with us after completing his training is Dr Sam Ognenis who brings to us a wealth of knowledge and compassion is not only all aspects of general practice but his particular area of interest- mental health.
For a list of our current GP Registrars, please refer to “Our Team” page.
Medical Students
In addition to GP registrars we also have medical students complete their GP placements with us which gives them opportunities to see the many facets of general practice but also the important value that General practice has in the everyday health and well being of our communities. Dr Sam Ognenis takes this one step further by working directly with Notre Dame university as a Clinical tutor. The students come to Mead Medical for blocks of time and we endeavor to give them a variety of experiences across as many domains as we can. This includes routine consultations, skin checks/clinics, chronic disease management appointments, aged care and treatment room consultations. We endeavor to give them a hands on experience wherever possible in a safe and supervised environment.
Nursing Students
It is not just doctors that we are helping to grow and develop. We participate actively in taking on nursing students. These placements are critical for the nurse students to develop those skills central to nursing – one on one patient care, wound assessment and dressing, immunizations, observation recording, ECG skills and assisting in surgical settings. The nursing students get exposed to a variety of nurses who bring with them many years of experience. The students are also exposed to working directly with doctors and gives them the opportunity to learn how to relay the reason why a patient is presenting as well as being given the opportunity to then follow through the doctors instructions. This time spent in our clinic gives the nursing students real world experience in history taking, note writing and depending on their stage of training it will often give them hands on experience in immunization administration as well as wound care.
We at Mead Medical know the true value of helping to train the next generation of health care professionals. Some of those we train may choose to stay on with us or return to us which is always an especially rewarding experience however for most who comes through our doors they move on to other areas but we know that we have assisted in helping to provide quality medical education. Pleasingly Mead Medical is often viewed as a grounding practice for our Rural GP’s to start their journey and that is a particularly meaningful thing for us here. Mead Medical count ourselves fortunate that we have services to access and lots of inhouse specialists to turn to. If this allows us to help a GP registrar or nursing student gain the skills they need to then take those medical skills out to a rural or remote area then we feel that we are truly living up to our obligations as set out in the Physicians Pledge.

Training Opportunities
Helping to grow the next generation of health care providers
GP Registrars
In a climate where there is growing need for good health care services and an increasing shortage of quality health care in outer metropolitan and rural areas, we at Mead Medical, pride ourselves in helping to be part of the solution.
Mead Medical has a long standing history of teaching GP registrars to help grow the next generation of GPs. Several of our existing GPs have come through this pathway and stayed on at Mead Medical which stands a testament to the quality of training but also as proof that the work we put into training does help our local community.
Dr Rebecca Hunt-Davies started at Mead Medical as a first year registrar and is now helping to grow that next generation of GPs by being a supervisor.
Dr Lee Lee Do completed her training with us and has gone on to developed extensive specialized skills in skin management as well as cosmetic services. She has helped broaden the services supplied to our hills community.
Dr Julia Lockett completed her GP training with Mead Medical and has continued to stay on and serve our hills community with her kind and compassionate style of medicine.
Dr Danielle Vlahov completed her training with us and offers excellent women’s health services as well as comprehensive General practice care.
Our most recent GP to stay on with us after completing his training is Dr Sam Ognenis who brings to us a wealth of knowledge and compassion is not only all aspects of general practice but his particular area of interest- mental health.
For a list of our current GP Registrars, please refer to “Our Team” page.
Medical Students
In addition to GP registrars we also have medical students complete their GP placements with us which gives them opportunities to see the many facets of general practice but also the important value that General practice has in the everyday health and well being of our communities. Dr Sam Ognenis takes this one step further by working directly with Notre Dame university as a Clinical tutor. The students come to Mead Medical for blocks of time and we endeavor to give them a variety of experiences across as many domains as we can. This includes routine consultations, skin checks/clinics, chronic disease management appointments, aged care and treatment room consultations. We endeavor to give them a hands on experience wherever possible in a safe and supervised environment.
Nursing Students
It is not just doctors that we are helping to grow and develop. We participate actively in taking on nursing students. These placements are critical for the nurse students to develop those skills central to nursing – one on one patient care, wound assessment and dressing, immunizations, observation recording, ECG skills and assisting in surgical settings. The nursing students get exposed to a variety of nurses who bring with them many years of experience. The students are also exposed to working directly with doctors and gives them the opportunity to learn how to relay the reason why a patient is presenting as well as being given the opportunity to then follow through the doctors instructions. This time spent in our clinic gives the nursing students real world experience in history taking, note writing and depending on their stage of training it will often give them hands on experience in immunization administration as well as wound care.
We at Mead Medical know the true value of helping to train the next generation of health care professionals. Some of those we train may choose to stay on with us or return to us which is always an especially rewarding experience however for most who comes through our doors they move on to other areas but we know that we have assisted in helping to provide quality medical education. Pleasingly Mead Medical is often viewed as a grounding practice for our Rural GP’s to start their journey and that is a particularly meaningful thing for us here. Mead Medical count ourselves fortunate that we have services to access and lots of inhouse specialists to turn to. If this allows us to help a GP registrar or nursing student gain the skills they need to then take those medical skills out to a rural or remote area then we feel that we are truly living up to our obligations as set out in the Physicians Pledge.
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