With 2017 just around the corner, it is now that we start thinking about our resolutions for the New Year, and some of the most common New Year’s resolutions are health related.
These can be very individual but common ones include quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, increasing exercise or losing weight.
When it comes to goal setting, there are some very simple things that we can do to give ourselves the best chance of success.
- Write it down
- Let other people know what you are trying to achieve (as they will be able to keep you motivated)
SMART is an acronym and way of formulating goals that has been proven to significantly increase the chances of achieving that goal.
S – Specific (exactly what are you trying to achieve)
M – Measurable (how will you know if it has been achieved)
A – Attainable (is it possible to achieve this goal)
R – Relevant
T – Time based (by when do I want to achieve this goal)
Using the framework above, an example of a health related SMART goal would be:
‘I want to lose 10kg (specific, measurable, attainable) by July 1st 2017 (time based)’
Once you have your goal worked it, it is much easier to put strategies in place to help you achieve it.
Good luck with health goals in 2017, and remember your GP will be an important part of your support team, so get them involved.
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