a 37 Elizabeth St, Kalamunda 6076 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9257 1183

a 11 Salix Way, Forrestfield 6058 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9453 3443

New premises for Mead Medical as of Monday 17th December

We are thrilled to be finally moving into our new premises at 37 Elizabeth St, Kalamunda!

All the information about the new premises is available here in pdf format.

You can also read all about it below:

After much planning and a very prolonged construction, Mead Medical Kalamunda is finally moving in to our new premises. This flyer outlines what is going to be happening at the new premises, we look forward to seeing you soon!

NB: The Forrestfield surgery will continue to operate at 11 Salix Way Forrestfield


This has not changed. For Kalamunda, just ring 92934455.


All of our current doctors will be making the move to the new premises on the 17th of December.

THERE WILL BE THREE NEW PERMANENT DOCTORS starting work with us in the new year.

Ewen McLean and Suzie Bicker are a husband and wife team that will be joining us from Scotland. Ewen will be starting in January and Suzie will start with us in the middle of February.

Erin Horsley is a GP anaesthetist. She will be joining us from Albany in January

Dr Jill Wyatt wil be with us for 12 months as part of her GP training.

Our new premises incorporates a purpose built ALLIED HEALTH AND SPECIALIST CENTRE. We are working hard to attract the best possible people to compliment our existing medical service. So far we have attracted the following:

• A cardiology (heart doctors) group, They will also be conducting cardiology investigations locally.
• Opthalmology (eye doctor)
• Orthopaedics (bone doctor)
• Physiotherapist
• Exercise physiologist
• Dietician
• Audiologist
• Orthotic specialist


You are still going to get wonderful health care. In fact your health care will be improved with state of the art facilities that we think are the best in Perth! There is a large purpose built treatment area, three dedicated procedural rooms for minor procedures, a specialist and allied health centre AND more doctors – which means MORE appointments.

However, there are some changes:

  1. You will need to register with the reception on arrival. Once registered, you will receive a billing slip that you will need to hand to your doctor.
  2. You will then be directed to wait outside the doctors’ rooms.
  3. Once seen you will be given the billing slip to take to reception

Seeing the nurse will also change. You will need to first register with reception and then move on through to the separate treatment room waiting area.


There will be plenty of parking on site (click here for new location map and parking).

For those of you who use public transport, bus route 296 from the Mead Street bus terminus runs along Railway Road through Gooseberry Hill, High Wycombe, Guildford and Belmont to the city. We are lobbying hard for a short diversion from Railway Road via William Street – which is the street closer to the Kalamunda hospital.


If you have any concerns on the day of appointment, please ask one of our receptionists, they will be more than happy to help you with the process.

Alternatively we can be contacted on 92934455 or via email admin@meadmedical.com.au

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