a 37 Elizabeth St, Kalamunda 6076 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9257 1183

a 11 Salix Way, Forrestfield 6058 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9453 3443

Measles outbreak

We have had a confirmed case of measles in the local area. Contacts of this person have been notified.

If you had a notification of contact or believe you may have been in contact with anyone that suspects they may have measles this is what to do.

  • Look out for symptoms of measles for up to 18 days after 1st contact.

The first symptoms are fever, runny nose, sore runny eyes and cough

  • As a precaution it is a good idea not to have contact with any one at risk for 18 days post exposure.

If you or your child develop symptoms of measles

  • Do not attend public places (such as work public places, school etc.) or use public transport
  • See your doctor as soon as possible. Call the surgery ahead to alert them of your symptoms. We will see you at our Kalamunda rooms where we can assess you safely away  from other patients so as not to risk infecting other people. Please DO NOT present to the front desk, you will be asked to come directly to the rear of the building where we have a special isolation and treatment room set up.

If you have any further concerns about Measles please contact us by phone on 9293 4455 and we will be able to advise you.

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