a 37 Elizabeth St, Kalamunda 6076 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9257 1183

a 11 Salix Way, Forrestfield 6058 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9453 3443

2022 Jane Talbot Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Stephanie MacPherson

“I have called the Shire of Kalamunda home for 22 years. After completing school locally in the hills, I graduated university as an engineer and then a teacher. Both fields nurtured my desire to work with & help people.  In  my pre-clinical years I was privileged to work in emergency, surgery and general medicine teams at a Pilbara hospital and gained practical experience. 


Whilst both challenging & rewarding, medicine has given me privileged opportunities to be mentored by some highly skilled individuals. One who works at this practise Dr Denis Carragher. An amazing and caring man. 


Medicine requires immense dedication, study & focus. The Jane Talbot scholarship will help fund my living (away from home) and tuition throughout my degree. Afterwards I would like to specialise in Emergency, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Geriatrics or General Practise. 

I hope to return to this community where I can make a difference.


I wish to sincerely thank Dr Carragher & the Mead Medical Group for your mentoring & support.”



The “Jane Talbot Foundation” was formed in memory of Dr Jane Talbot, a beloved GP with Mead Medical  whom passed away from ovarian cancer in 2013.

The purpose of The Jane Talbot scholarship is for Kalamunda Shire Medical students who are studying medicine.

Mead Medical will donate a one off sum of $1000 students who are actively studying medicine and live in the Kalamunda Shire.  This is a one-off payment and cannot be re applied for each year.

Mead Medical recognises the importance of supporting both our local community and our upcoming medical professionals who will hopefully come back to support their local community when they have finished their studies.

Cambodia New Hope 60

Cambodia New Hope 60 is the first of these projects which we feel will benefit from assistance, this is our second year with this project


New Hope Cambodia is a grass roots, rapidly growing Non-Government Organisation (NGO) run by a dedicated individual, a local Khmer called Sot Suo (Kemsour). The focus of New Hope is ‘free education for all’ as the founders recognition the vital role education plays in helping break the cycle of poverty.

However the organisation cannot ignore the chronic malnutrition, ill health and horrific living conditions of its community. This environment places families at high risk of falling victim to child traffickers. For this reason, New Hope Cambodia’s activities and programs address the daily issues facing families in crisis situations and, at the same time, find ways to work toward a better future.


In 2007 Soth Kemsour, an ex-Buddhist monk and son of a village chief, purchased land in Mondul 3 after it had been sold off by the army. He soon realised that there was a desperate need for food, education and health care. Much to the dismay of his new wife, Kemsour sold every viable asset they had to build a small grass hut to serve as his classroom. Kemsour taught English and Japanese and eventually founded the New Hope Cambodia organization.

Mondul 3 is located in one of the of the poorest slum areas in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Once a military base, the village is now home to some 300 families made up of army personnel, karaoke/sex workers and displaced men, women and children. The people of Mondul 3 have no formal education, English language or vocational skills. Living conditions are appalling, work opportunities limited and food scarce. It is also a village with highly dysfunctional families.

Many men have been killed while serving in the army while numerous adults, both men and women, have died of disease. Children often rely on elderly relatives and sibling for care, or are left to fend for themselves. In order to survive many girls fall victim to the sex trade and often have children themselves at a young age. Without help these girls have no future. Many will die prematurely of sexually transmitted diseases. New Hope Cambodia is centrally located in Mondul 3 to allow the people easy access to its services.

New Hope provides this support through a number of programs –

  • Helen Bonner Health Centre
  • Crisis Care Club
  • Education Program
  • Half Way Houses
  • Sustainable Farming Projects
  • Tour Program
  • Outreach Program
  • Training Restaurant

New Hope, with the assistance of sponsors and volunteers, treats up to one hundred residents each day for burns, wounds, salmonella poisoning, infections and illnesses such as malnutrition, HIV, hepatitis, typhoid, tuberculosis and dengue fever.

Each month, families in need receive food packages and New Hope provides free education to six hundred children and young adults. New Hope also plays an active role in the fight against human and sex trafficking.

For more information please click here.


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Jane Talbot Memorial Funding Projects

2022 Jane Talbot Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Stephanie MacPherson

“I have called the Shire of Kalamunda home for 22 years. After completing school locally in the hills, I graduated university as an engineer and then a teacher. Both fields nurtured my desire to work with & help people.  In  my pre-clinical years I was privileged to work in emergency, surgery and general medicine teams at a Pilbara hospital and gained practical experience. 


Whilst both challenging & rewarding, medicine has given me privileged opportunities to be mentored by some highly skilled individuals. One who works at this practise Dr Denis Carragher. An amazing and caring man. 


Medicine requires immense dedication, study & focus. The Jane Talbot scholarship will help fund my living (away from home) and tuition throughout my degree. Afterwards I would like to specialise in Emergency, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Geriatrics or General Practise. 

I hope to return to this community where I can make a difference.


I wish to sincerely thank Dr Carragher & the Mead Medical Group for your mentoring & support.”



The “Jane Talbot Foundation” was formed in memory of Dr Jane Talbot, a beloved GP with Mead Medical  whom passed away from ovarian cancer in 2013.

The purpose of The Jane Talbot scholarship is for Kalamunda Shire Medical students who are studying medicine.

Mead Medical will donate a one off sum of $1000 students who are actively studying medicine and live in the Kalamunda Shire.  This is a one-off payment and cannot be re applied for each year.

Mead Medical recognises the importance of supporting both our local community and our upcoming medical professionals who will hopefully come back to support their local community when they have finished their studies.

Cambodia New Hope 60

Cambodia New Hope 60 is the first of these projects which we feel will benefit from assistance, this is our second year with this project


New Hope Cambodia is a grass roots, rapidly growing Non-Government Organisation (NGO) run by a dedicated individual, a local Khmer called Sot Suo (Kemsour). The focus of New Hope is ‘free education for all’ as the founders recognition the vital role education plays in helping break the cycle of poverty.

However the organisation cannot ignore the chronic malnutrition, ill health and horrific living conditions of its community. This environment places families at high risk of falling victim to child traffickers. For this reason, New Hope Cambodia’s activities and programs address the daily issues facing families in crisis situations and, at the same time, find ways to work toward a better future.


In 2007 Soth Kemsour, an ex-Buddhist monk and son of a village chief, purchased land in Mondul 3 after it had been sold off by the army. He soon realised that there was a desperate need for food, education and health care. Much to the dismay of his new wife, Kemsour sold every viable asset they had to build a small grass hut to serve as his classroom. Kemsour taught English and Japanese and eventually founded the New Hope Cambodia organization.

Mondul 3 is located in one of the of the poorest slum areas in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Once a military base, the village is now home to some 300 families made up of army personnel, karaoke/sex workers and displaced men, women and children. The people of Mondul 3 have no formal education, English language or vocational skills. Living conditions are appalling, work opportunities limited and food scarce. It is also a village with highly dysfunctional families.

Many men have been killed while serving in the army while numerous adults, both men and women, have died of disease. Children often rely on elderly relatives and sibling for care, or are left to fend for themselves. In order to survive many girls fall victim to the sex trade and often have children themselves at a young age. Without help these girls have no future. Many will die prematurely of sexually transmitted diseases. New Hope Cambodia is centrally located in Mondul 3 to allow the people easy access to its services.

New Hope provides this support through a number of programs –

  • Helen Bonner Health Centre
  • Crisis Care Club
  • Education Program
  • Half Way Houses
  • Sustainable Farming Projects
  • Tour Program
  • Outreach Program
  • Training Restaurant

New Hope, with the assistance of sponsors and volunteers, treats up to one hundred residents each day for burns, wounds, salmonella poisoning, infections and illnesses such as malnutrition, HIV, hepatitis, typhoid, tuberculosis and dengue fever.

Each month, families in need receive food packages and New Hope provides free education to six hundred children and young adults. New Hope also plays an active role in the fight against human and sex trafficking.

For more information please click here.


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