a 37 Elizabeth St, Kalamunda 6076 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9257 1183

a 11 Salix Way, Forrestfield 6058 p (08)9293 4455 f (08)9453 3443

Thank You!

Thank you Mead Community for your overwhelmingly generous and kind-hearted response to our previous blog post.  In less than 24 hours our 1 roll of toilet paper multiplied to over a hundred rolls in our overflowing baskets and the donations have continued. Please ask us for a roll if you are in need. Our toilet paper elves will be working hard over the next few weeks distributing to those in our community who can’t get out and about as freely.

Our new Telehealth consultation options can assist in social distancing to prevent community spread of the coronavirus. However in these times of great uncertainty and change it is important that our social retreat does not lead to social isolation. Now more than ever we need to reach out and connect with each other (using no-touch techniques of course) particularly with those who might be alone or anxious. There are many ways we can all do that. Phone a friend. Leave a little card in your neighbour’s letterbox letting them know if or how you could assist them if they were quarantined. Offer to collect someone’s mail, or shopping. Join an online community. Support your local business owners. Or be like the Italians and sing in your streets… and wash your hands.

Your generosity and community spirit continue to inspire us as we deal with coronavirus together. Fear and anxiety can drive us to become self-focussed and inward-looking. When we are afraid we have the tendency to tense against the unknown. It is hard to connect with generosity and open-heartedness when we are shut down and tight. But our global community also needs us. And we will only overcome this by working together. So, be an agent for spreading kindness. Donate blood. Share the dignity and buy an extra packet of sanitary products to add to the collection bins in your local supermarket for distribution to homeless women. Monitor your social media posts and spread love not fear. Ask for help. Be kind to one another… and keep washing your hands.

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